Happy Tuesday!
I am so ready for this disgusting humidity to be gone already! It feels like I live in a tropical rainforest instead of shoreline New England! My inability to tolerate wetness in the air means I haven't gone for a run in three days, and it's really cramping my workout style (no pun intended). The weather reports say that it's supposed to cool down and dry out in the next couple of days, so hopefully I can get a couple of runs in before the week is out.
In the meantime, I have been utilizing the other forms of exercise I have at my disposal. No More Trouble Zones, the Jillian Michaels workout I lost my virginity to yesterday, IS NO JOKE PEOPLE. My body is screaming form places I haven't heard from in a long time, in addition to the regular suspect. It's so great to discover a workout that targets new areas! Can't wait to do it all the time!
The humidity has really been affecting my sleep lately - I don't think I've had a full night of sleep in about a week. I was so tired at work today that I was seriously contemplating just taking a big fat nap when I got home. An hour later, and I'm on my bike tackling hills and heat with a big smile on my face. You might be asking yourself how this happened.
I think I have discovered the most effective motivational tool for working out that I have ever tried. When I get home, I immediately want to change out of my work clothes - I'm usually covered in coffee stains and smell like milk and espresso. For the past couple of weeks, however, instead of changing into pj's, getting into a shower, or putting on shorts and a tee shirt, I've been jumping right into workout gear. That way, if I don't workout I have to take off UNUSED athletic wear, and I feel like a total dweeb. Even if I watch a little TV, or facebook stalk, or update the blog, once I'm done I go for a run, or a bike ride, or pop in a DVD. GENIUS! I'm surprised I haven't thought of this earlier, and since I've been doing it I have not skipped ONE workout. Success!
I ended up riding about 7 miles in a little under 40 minutes. Not my most intense workout, but definitely better than nothing, and I'm pretty proud of myself for pushing through my exhaustion to do something good for my body. It's true - I will never regret a workout, I'll only regret missing one.
Now I'm off to shower and figure out what the heck to eat for dinner - the heat really limits my options! Maybe a nice cool salad...
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