Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tired Tuesday

I love days when I wake up energized, rested, and ready to take on anything. Unfortunately, today was not one of those days.

I work at a specialty coffee shop (the owners travel to countries like Costa Rica and handpick coffees that we roast in-house) in my town, which makes for early mornings. To be at work by six, on a typical day I am up by five, ready for a big breakfast and quick chat with whoever is around (I come from a long line of early risers). Today, however, I would have paid serious money to burrow under my covers and hide from the day. I love my job, but people aren't always nice to the person standing in between them and their coffee, and putting on a smile when all you want to do is pass out isn't easy.

All I can say is, thank goodness for my mother and a gift from heaven (or Angela from Oh She Glows) called a GREEN MONSTER! One of my current food obsessions has to be these spinach packed energy boosters, and I have passed on my love to my wonderful mother, who woke me with my favorite drink! It included:
2 big handfuls of spinach
1 frozen banana
2 strawberries
3/4 - 1 cup soy milk
1/2 scoop protein powder
1 tsp chia seeds

After this baby, I was awake and ready for anything! A large iced coffee with soy milk may have also played a role though.

After work my energy was lagging again, but instead of getting sucked into my bed I immediately changed into my workout clothes and went for a quick three mile run. It was my first run since my race on Sunday (more on that later) and it was ROUGH. My legs felt like bricks, and my shins are still pretty sore from the road race.

I have been having some issues with my shins for quite some time now, and I'm contemplating joining a gym near my house to be able to run on a treadmill and elliptical instead of punishing my legs on concrete day in and day out. I'm torn, because I live to run outside, but I don't want to push my body to the point of injury. For now, I think I may take a mini break from running and focus on cross training and biking for a while. We'll see what happens, I don't know that I can stay away from running for too long. Nothing feels as good to me as a nice long run!

Now I'm off to take a nice hot shower and get ready to meet some friends for dinner. Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to be your first comment! My blog is pretty new too, only about a month, so I know the thrill that each comment brings. You chose a very pretty layout! :) I like your positive attitude too.
